Personal Message

Just so you guys know, I live in PDT or GMT-8.  I go to bed at 4 or 5 am though and wake up at noon or one thirty, so I have a weird schedule. :P  I am very new to RPR so I don't know too much yet, feel free to kick me or give me a heads-up if I get things painfully, noobishly wrong. :c  Am looking for lots of friends and acquaintances and possible housemates for Yoona in this RP and would love to get some action (not like that ohgawd o///o) so PM me if you're interested in a bit of ICing! :3


Im Yoona | 24 | female
Cause of Death: Auto Accident
Job Prior to Death: Part-time waitress, computer programmer
Personality: Quiet, seemingly an innocent pushover on the outside, but strong on the inside; can sometimes even be provoked to show rather sharp anger.
History: Yoona has always been a quiet girl; she has helped her mother at their family restaurant since she was in high school, went to a local college, and got a degree in computer science. In her inside life, she is very dreamy, writes stories sometimes when she's supposed to be coding, is both an active and fierce participant in and is fascinated by net culture, and is very protective of her music library. Prior to her death, she was starting to learn English. She has never fallen in love, and has never thought very deeply about her uality.


Since Yoona was an only child, her parents expected great things of her - like maybe going overseas to study at the prestigious Hokkaido university in Japan, and at any rate becoming a doctor. They were rather disappointed to find that all she wanted to do was to live an outwardly quiet, normal life and, in her personal time, to engage in intense flame wars on the net.  They also complain that she's mooching off them by continuing to live at home, and they're quite annoyed that she's not even bothered to look for a husband yet.


Here in purgatory, she might finally come out of her shell, grow into a loving and caring person, and, in turn, find someone who really cares about her.