wu yifan . creator
Daniel J. Boorstin
freedom means the chance to be what we never thought we would be.
it was quite simple; wu yifan was a damaged prototype. he was one the first among robots to be created. he was created out of hope, evil intentions, pride, and experimentation. it wasn't pretty from at the beginning, you could still see the jagged scars running along his shoulder down to his ribs from where they tried to attach a human arm from another man to make him more "realistic". technology wasn't as advanced as it is now, so there is no need for anymore of the grotesque experimentation that went on behind the scenes. from the beginning, humans were taught to be skeptical of robots; some were harmful and some weren't. enemies were taught to take no chances. yifan was experimented on for more than twenty years, even if he looks 28, he really isn't.

he, along with twelve other robots, were prodded with and held within facilitates until creators perfected the robot. there was no pain involved through all the procedures, no matter how gruesome they were, but the robots only knew this lifestyle. to create. along the years, the eleven other robots that had taken the journey with him were killed off by enemies, and he was the only one left. he was the only survivor. know, yifan lives as a composer to mask his real identity; a creator. a robot creator. he doesn't disclose this information to just anyone, especially of him being a past prototype. he has vowed to not put his dolls through what he went through; the constant conflicts of what he is. yifan creates his dolls with imperfections that will help the doll define themselves, and not just some perfect doll. they're human. just like him.
my greatest creation