
 Introduction | About

     With little to no words spoken, she communicates. A lot of times incomprehensibly. But that isn't to say she has a fear of talking, but it isn't like she doesn't get some sort of anxiety when doing so. She finds it harder to open up. Harder to translate thoughts of hers to casual speak anyone could understand. This often brings her to drop conversations all together and resort to lies, vague responses, or actions. And her choice to hide in her room and stay alone doesn't help her in her case.

     {{This will be edited much much later when I have something to say and something to put.

     Also when I have more time to dedicate to my characters.

     Patience is a requirement when dealing with me, so if you have none, I'm not really sorry your ran into a problem with me. I gave you a warning.}}   

 Trivia | General Info

Her date of birth is is 30 August 1994 and she is currently twenty years old. ▪ She is a pet dog, more specifically a mongrel or mutt. The only breeds she knows were mixed into her DNA are Shar Pei and Jindo. There is at least another, but she can't remember it for the life of her. ▪ She tends to appear either indifferent and nonchalant or happily staring off somewhere. Her mood is not easily affected by many things and she often requires some sort of stimulation (mental, physical, emotional) to care about things. ▪ She is a moderately active being, but enjoys exercise, so if you take her out, prepare for unexpected bouts of energy. ▪ This section will be edited when I have more time to care for it.

 STORIES | plots shared

Coming soon... 

 Me | Out of Character

001. First and foremost, I often do detailed script (in third person) or anything from para to novella (in both first and third person. If you have a problem with that, don't roleplay with me. I don't really care what you do, so long  as you can match the quality (and somewhat the quantity) of my posts, we'll be fine. 002. I dislike random starters on my wall, so refrain from posting them unless I say it's okay to do so. I won't reply to you and will delete your post every time you do it. I'll even consider ignoring you. This doesn't apply to you if you recieved this warning afer the fact, however. 003. Unless you are one of my trusted friends, then we will most likely be plotting with each other. Most times I at least have a little something in mind, as should you. When we actually get to the plotting, please, for the love of my sanity, be specific and answer all of the questions I may ask you. I like to get to roleplaying as quick as I possibly can since the more time I waste trying to pick your brain for details and answers, the more I start to lose interest. 004. My time zone is GMT -7, and, as I mentioned previously, patience is a requirement. I can be terribly slow at responding, so if you won't be able to handle that, don't ask to roleplay with me. And even though I understand why you might do it, don't you ing dare poke me. 005. I can be overly straightforward and/or blunt, but I try to be nice, and most times I am. I'd like it if you told me about problems you have with me that I don't know about, that way I know what I am at least apologizing for. If you think I'll figure it out on my own, you are sorely mistaken. 006. Don't try to persuade me into doing I said I won't do. I shouldn't have to say anything else about this. 007. Believe me when I say I curse often and make a hell of a lot of typos (if you couldn't already tell). Nonetheless, I am fairly chill and friendly, so don't be afraid to talk or roleplay with me.

 The master | No one yet

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heo Young Ji
pet with no master
currently single

