Personal Message

RP Stuff: Dark Hunter, Straight, but may be convinced to try playing for the other team with proper incentive.

By all means, feel free to bug me to RP with you, I try to check about once a day so let me know what's up! :)


Simon is a Dark Hunter, jaded by the particular twists that fate had in store for him, he travelled down the path of shadow pacts and bargains, gaining great power at considerable costs. Blindsided by his betrayel, Simon swore an Oath and traded his soul for the ability to hunt down the Daimon who orchastraded his death. He now roams the nights, seeking out a trail. He is however, well aware that there is a thin line between the hunter and the hunted, as such Simon remembers to take joy in the things he used to do while being very alive, long before he was pactbound to Sarang; eating, stargazing, even romance.