Personal Message

❝ I don't want you to know how much it hurts me❞
❝ I know you don't love me
❝ You never try to understand me




Shiroyama Yuu

Aoi ┊ Jan. 2025 japanese 1 7 1 cm. 
Kitsune  Lost  Broken


I feel hopelesstumblr_lgt7igxax91qcy9t7.jpg

And still hide behind

this smile

Shiroyama Yuu, the weakest Kitsune in the world...
Illusion Powers and Fire Manipulation



• • • • • • • • • • • • • 

I know and believe that

you won't love me

▸single//lon's complicated

Just watching from afar.. your perfectness that'll never be mine


I really hate and love like

I'm not able to love

20101128-aoi-pro.jpghate hate hate hate VS like like like like aoi_by_theromaninqueen-d5v5x66.jpg

Liars                                            His house

Himself                                         Foxes

Loneliness                                   Darkness

Blood                                           Kimonos

A lot of things                             Storms

hate 6 ;                                         Nature

hate 7 ;                                         Sakuras

hate 8 ;                                         like 8 ;  

hate 9 ;                                         like 9 ; 

hate 10 ;                                       like 10 ; 




They're my mini Aoi

They can't be replaced












Shiroyama Yuu

Shiroyama Yuu


Haunting Memories  Weak... Weak... WEAK! That's what he always was told by other Kitsune. Shiroyama Yu, you are the weakest Kitsune ever! Often Yuu was attacked by the stronger, older Kitsune. They wanted to show him that they do not accept him as one of them. Yuu was too weak to defend himself and one day the attack ended with him almost being dead. But luckily he was found. By an old priest. The old priest felt sorry for the young youkai boy and took him along to his home, treated his wounds and kept him in as long as the boy could not stand up. Yuu at first was shocked when he found himself in the home of a human priest but after a few days he got used to it, he started trusting the old man. Once he was able to stand up again he started helping the man with the household, doing the laundry, carrying heavy things the old man could not carry anymore and even tried to cook, though it took time for him to learn. Days turned into weeks like that, weeks into months and months into years. For Yuu those years were nothing, as a Kitsune he basically is immortal, but for the old priest the years weren't nothing like that. He became older and older and one day he died, leaving a lost and confused Yuu behind. Who would he stay with now? Where would he be able to go to? Yuu went nowhere. Lost as he was he could not bring himself to leave the house of the priest and even today he is still bound to that empty and cold house, protecting it from any person that tries to enter without permission, protecting his little personal paradies where he found the most important thing in his life: The feeling of being safe.

Don't fall for me — lover lover lover lover  
lover lover lover lover lover lover lover lover 
lover lover lover lover lover lover lover lover 
lover lover lover lover lover lover lover lover 

Through the bad and good — 

name - name - name - name - name - name 

eyecandy:LINK earcandy:LINK mood:O12345



Aoi is a 250 years old Kitsune, but he looks like a round about 25 year old man only. When people see him he might seem cold at first but actually he is a very sweet boy, rather lost ever since the priest had died that had kept him in for many years. He lives in the house that belonged to the priest all on his own. Sometimes he does leave the house but only to return a few days later. It is like a curse, he can not leave. He needs someone new to trust and be loyal to. Someone how shows him there are more safe places than the house of the priest. Will you be his friend? Will you show him that the world is bigger than his small house and more secure than he could ever imagine as long as he stays with the right people?

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