Personal Message

byun baek was here . 


a message - Hey baby ; v ; i just wanted to drop by on your profile to your profile picture- /shot . not really c: i actually came here to tell you how important you are to me and i want us to be together forever . /sends you kisses . < 3 don't feel bad that you're almost always never here or that you take too long to reply my messages , i'll wait for you for as long as it takes. < 3 i really hope our other friends don't read this message because this is my personal heartfelt message to you < 3 i love you i love you i love i love you ;v; have i said i love you . i don't i've said i love you enough < 3 p.s still waiting . c;

 - “ love  means understanding , not agreement . it means forgiveness, not forgetting .   ”