
 •••Dylan O'Brien••

Birth name: Dylan O'Brien
Date of birth: unknown
Blood group: A
Height: 180cm
Weight: 62kg
Eyecandy: You
Eargasm: Eternity
Craving: Chocolate
Likes: Fighting
Dislikes: I don't know
Orientation: Gay


Dylan O'Brien is a thief who got caught during the act, he had just gotten access to the bank tresor when the police had stormed into the building. Not able to find a safe way out thanks to the many officers who were standing infront of every ventilation shafts and doors that could lead outside. Getting pushed to the ground he frowned, his plan had been perfect, he had made sure to be prepared for a 30 minute operation but not for 'this'. Someone just had to have betrayed him, but who?


Status: Single
Taken by: Name
Since: yymmdd


To my lover,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut accumsan congue neque, a posuere nulla posuere vel.Donec dapibus lectus eu justo accumsan, nec sodales nibh sollicitudin. Maecenas eget massa vel sem sagittis molestie et eget lectus. Morbi ultrices elementum semper. Nulla et laoreet eros, ut porttitor ligula. Nullam sapien sapien

My precious friends,

Name             Name           Name

Name            Name            Name