Personal Message
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mark is just your typical college student working his off to pay for school. with his best friend, bambam, he opened up a thrift shop and they manage it together. when he's not at the thrift shop or at school, he's using his free time to take on odd jobs, such as walking the neighborhood dogs or babysitting the neighbors' kids, to help pay off his college fees as well as everyday expenses. he's the upbeat and friendly kind of guy despite his current circumstances. in addition to his positive qualities, there are his negative ones. if you happen to catch him at a bad time, you are one of the lucky few who get to witness a snarky mark. he probably won't have a filter and might just end up scaring you off. all-in-all, he's just a fun-loving guy who loves being around people. he gets lonely easily so he frequents clubs or parties, anywhere where there is bound to be a lot of people. thanks to his low tolerance in alcohol, he tends to get even more touchy feeling and as well as do some stupid things he normally wouldn't when sober. it's happened several times and he's quite aware of the matter, but that's never stopped him.