Kevin was born into a loving family as an only child. That all changed though, when his house caught fire when he was only 5-years-old. That was the night he lost his parents, and barely got out, receiving burns all over his back. From then on it was trips to the hospital from the orphanage for the rest of his life. He was often bullied for being prettier than a "normal" boy should and having those burns on his back (which is the reason he often wears long sleeves). When he turned 12 though, one of the women at the orphanage enrolled him in a program to help him in later life. At 16, he managed to convince her to let him live in his own place after 4 years of the program, that also offered him help starting off on his own. It's been a few months since then, and he's off the help from the program because he wanted to be independent. Kevin is determined to do things on his own, by himself, which has left him alone without the company of people. Not that he minds, since he can always watch people at his job of a cafe waiter. He likes to watch people smiling. Since he was bullied as a child, he doesn't know much about affection and other such things. The fire also caused him to have an intense fear of fire, to the point where he won't even cook his food on the stove. When he discovered how to rent a doll, he did it because he's almost realized how lonely he actually is.


1. For now I'm not doing since I've never done it before, but maybe later, if you absolutely want it, I could try it.

Kevin Woo
Age: 16
Cafe Waiter