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 name: Seohyun
age: 19
sector: ventus
brief introduction:
..........................A girl with a past....................
Just like anyone and everyone. 
The only difference? She tells no one. Why should she?
She's sharp-tongued and slightly arrogant. Not only that, she's stubborn. Rarely ever bendng backwords for anyone. 
Talk bad about her and just consider yourself lucky she does nothing except leave your little life. Do anything worse and consider yourself ill fated because who knows what she will conspire.
 Seohyun's life hasn't neaarly even close to been the brightest. There's the old days that still linger fresh in her mind of how she was, but how she is now might as well be a dfferent lifetime. The hands of time stop for no one as each day step by step continues on in her cynical life. At some point she closed everyone out, you don't know her, because you lie to her too.
An absent sister
A lost friend 
A disoriented memory
robbed of joys
A smile that disappeared 
"Nothing is impossible"
"If you miss out on me, you mght be makng the biggest mistake of your life."
"I've been living for 17 years, and I've noticed that human relations are the most dfficult thing to understand"
"The only way to change the future is to change the present"