Personal Message

Roleplaying as Lee Jieun [IU] in Thanatos Academy for the Gifted

OOC Corner/Info:

1) Usually have fast replies. Unless for some odd reason, I have to leave to go to the real world.

2) Take as long as you want... Only if it's character wall post. Inside the rp, up to 7 minutes.

3) Can't plot that well... I can plot but likes it better if you do it. Unless you at plotting.. then I'll do it.

4) Don't be scared to talk to me... I'm nice. Aren't I?

5)I'm a semi para or para writer as well. I can be multi-para, only if you will give me a multi-para response. Note: I will take longer to reply and the length will change over time.

6)I don't mind one-liners just don't do them often. I may do them too so bare with me. I'll usually do one liners if I don't have a proper keyboard or have to go.

7) I don't mind which pov (point of view) you do, but I'll most likely do third, first if I'm lazy or using something that doesn't have a proper keyboard. If you are uncomfortable with third then do first and vice versa. 

8) I don't mind if English is your second/third/whatever language, just not too many mistakes. I'll make some myself but I'll try to edit before I post. I don't really care much for grammar just spelling. As I at both myself. ;~;

9)Don't be scared of my long posts OuO

10) I can use ... faces like OuO or > < but if you don't want it I won't do it.

11)I'll try to stick with one writing style, but I might try to find my writing to yours... (If you don't mind, of course.)

12)I honestly won't go to you unless you start the conversation. Me just awkward duck like this >M<.

13)I will be upset if you forgot about me =-=

14)-Slight Warning: Jieun's personality could/will change over time and depending on person. It's my fault as my character's personalities are usually irregular. I just at keeping one personality for the whole time. 


Sector: Aqua


Age: 16

The Leopard.

"A practiced smile for strangers, a genuine one for friends, my weakness for my special one." -Jieun



Jieun's personality was like water. She was calm, comforting, shy, but like water if something disturbs her peaceful water, I'll sink to the bottom and stay forever. She was like water itself, she could be right next to you, silently supporting you but you would never know. She wasn't the prettiest or strongest but she had a power that only she knew. She didn't realize as a child that it was different, so she was labeled as a freak, a outcast. Her parents noticed something and moved from her from a humble world to the world of the rich and famous via her aunt and uncle. She went from playing with rag dolls to Dollfies [Extremely beautiful but expensive dolls].



She got into one of Korea's most prestigious high school on a scholarship. She didn't want to burden her aunt and uncle so she paid her own way for school. She hid her power from the world, she became normal. At her old school, she was labeled as the shy, kind, comforting yet mysterious nerd. She avoided bullies and helped people secretly. She was friends with everyone and the teachers thought that she was a sweet, innocent, naive little angel. It wasn't enough to convince that she was truly normal, she knew she was different and decided to come to Thanatos Academy for the Gifted to learn how to control her power and why she had it.



Jieun has good reflexes and learned self-defense. She has a photographic memory. A sweet, polite, clever girl with knowledge of the upper class, with connections, she can make a powerful enemy... to humans. She can lie easily with her angel like voice but trusts too easily. She can act like a child after becoming comfortable with you and knowing that you are trustworthy. Make her your friend and she will cover your back in a fight. Go on her bad side? She'll just hold a grudge and maybe take some petty revenge.



Although a water user, Jieun was always fascinated by fire, how it easily burnt everything yet was powerless against water.