Personal Message


Song Mino. Growing up in a small town where everyone knew everyone, there was a strange child named Mino. This child enjoyed hurting animals (Example: Rabbits), lighting things on fire and even throwing random and uncontrorable fits. He grew up with his single mother, and his mom just did not know what to do anymore. She attempted to lock him in his room, but he would just break down the door with enough force from slamming into it over and over. His mother would even try tieing him to his bed, but he would tug at the rope so much that he would get burns on his wrists. Taking him to multiple doctors did not help. They just suggested that it's a phase, and he will get over it. Which he never did. When Mino was 16 years old, he finally started to expriment his uality with different boys at his school. Still the pain and fire loving boy, Mino wanted to try something new with someone he was going to have with that night. When things started to get heated, Mino blindfolded the person below him and poored hot, burning wax all over the person. When his mother heard the screams, she knew enough was enough. Taking him to the one place that was right for him, she knew that this was the only place that could lock him up and keep him away from hurting others. But, is Song Mino done hurting other people?
Position: Freak (Firebreathing & Figthing)
Warnings: On his cage, there is a warning label. "Warning, if wanting to buy for the night or for a few hours; here are a few warnings. (1) He might attempt to pour fire onto you, or wax. (2) What he will do you to is unclear. This will be based on his personality of the day. (3) Song Mino may or may not attempt to harm you, and not in the ual ways. He enjoys causing pain on others(Example: Cuttings others skins to see blood drip onto his). 
Age: 22 years old, but age does not matter to him.

uality and Status: Single, and ready to screw anyone who askes him/buys him.

The Person Who Can Control His Heart: