
Insanity at its peak


OOC Corner:

POV: prefers 3rd; will 1st for the right plot
Style: para/ semi
Play: Room will always get faster replies; wall play tends to get less and slower replies just because I forget about it and it can get lost. :(
Time: US Central Time(GMT-5)
1. Not squeamish so hit me with your idea, I'm honest if you hit a no-go zone. only, -centric is ok, but I'm happy for plots too!
2. I have some health issues so I'm on all hours of the day; most days a lot of others not so much.
3. I will do my best to keep those I am RPing with updated so you aren't left hanging and waiting for replies from me and let you know when/if I'm on hiatus personally.
4. Feel free to poke me if I haven't replied in a day sometimes I just get distracted or think I replied when I didn't.