

Liu Diedi



Diedi has had a harsh past of abuse back in his hometown, China. From birth up to age 10, he was constantly by his parents. Both of them soon abanded him and was taken into custody by the adoption center which only lasted a few days because someone adopted him. It turned out that the person who adopted him was a star director and was only adopting him to use him as a star. He did this up until he was 15 and was soon shipped off to the slave market where he was sold to lots of different people. Finally, he ended up here by the time he was 18.


Diedi is very stubborn when it comes to taking orders but is actuallly very submissive. He doesn't like being bossed around but does as told usually, depending on the situation. His charm for masters and mafia members is crossdressing, something he has done plenty of times. 


Relatioship status: Single and not looking| Taken| Heartbroken| Engaged| Married





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