Personal Message


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about me

Taemin is an odd guy, very eccentric, most people can't keep up with his conversations. People are colors to him and tastes are feelings. Numbers invoke emotions and he's stuck in his own little fantasy. He's introverted and has a love for romantic literature. Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreu, Ralph Waldo Emerson- he loves them all, even dark romantics like Edgar Allen Poe. He's intrigued by the idealistic messages, though he tends to act quite cynical. Taemin has been living at Bellecrest for three years now and had come with a scholarship. He's very smart, but trapped in his daydreams to really pay attention to whats going on. He doesn't talk much about his background. Taemin has a very concerning obsession with plants- his dorm his a ing garden.
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