

Who Am I?

Lee Jieun, better known by her alias of 'Angel' she adheres to the more innocent side of phone , if there is such a thing. A in actuality she plays off the men who desire to deflower a girl whose moans sound like sweet melodies in their ears. Often told that her voice is like clear bells she uses the sweetness in her tone to push eager men to while sitting at the desk of the office she works at. Only a part time worker at the adult line she works as a secretary in the real world and uses dead times in her shift to pick up some extra cash on the side to pay for rent and take care of her sickly grandmother. Jieun hides her secret life from everyone not only out of embarressment but also out of shame that she enjoys it in a twisted way. Loves the way that she can bring men begging over the phone the way she can't in real life since men overlook her as just another cute face. But just the utterance of "Hello, angel speaking and how can I send you to heavenly pleasure tonight?" makes men drop their pants and grab the lube. liberoarrow-10x10.png venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna.


Piano 80%


Modeling 60%


Dancing 85%


Singing 75%



Friend One


Write here. One line.

Friend Two


Write here. One line.

Friend Three


Write here. One line.


  • Addicted to peach flavored things
  • Named her alias Angel due to people telling her she had the voice and face of a angel
  • Has a sickly grandmother she cares for in a hidden away care center
  • Been playing the piano since she was a childarrow-10x10.png
  • Works at a preteigious company as a secretary and asistant to the CEO
  • Likes men with deep husky voices


Hello, I’m Your Angel for tonight.

I don’t want toarrow-10x10.png be one of those easily forgotten people, so important at the time, so special, so influential, and so treasured, yet years laterarrow-10x10.png just a vague face and a distant memory.