




Ahn heeyeon



single & not looking



Stand back



BACKGROUND: Heeyeon found out about Excellency from tv. She wasn't for sure if the school was true or was it going to be the real deal but turn out to be a dream breaker. She was just about to start highschool when she found out about the school, she applied to join and waited for the school year to start. At first she doubted going to the school all together on the first day but it turned out her going to this school really did help her figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She loved music so much but never knew what she could do in the music business. She looked so many things up but never knew what to do. After finally making her mind up she decided to study music to become a producer. Within her two years of being in this school she really have done a lot of achievement(check facts for what those are) that has brought her closer to her dreams in life. For what leads next in her life she doesn't know but she has a pretty good feeling about it.

PERSONALITY: A little bit of a nerd as she has been told by her best friend. Heeyeon is one of the nicest people you can meet. But even with that being said she still can have her niceness go a complet  360 if need be. That being said, she is also weird or silly as she likes to put it. Her silly side can only be seen by people she seems comfortable enough to bring her natual side out.

If your looking to talk to Heeyeon go right ahead! You can easily find her either hanging out with her friend Jinah, roaming the halls, or on the schools rooftop listening to/ writing music.


LIKES: Food, Music, Hip hop espically, night time,  festivals, dancing,shoes(anything but heels)

DISLIKES: Super girly things, bugs, being cold, people who keeps lies, people that make really bad first impressions.(being mean)

FACTS: Within her two years of being in Excellency she joined two music festivals for both years. She won one of them but lost the one that mattered to her the most. She holds a 2nd place trophy for writting and  from her first festival. Although she didn't win in the second festival which would of started her dream off early she was still proud to be able to join the festival at all.

Because of her 2nd year of joining the music festival it brought her some popularity by the viewers and more and more people listened to her music on youtube and soundcloud. She's not idol popular not even near as close to people knowing her as a underground rapper. But there are a few who know her name which will soon change in a few years she hopes.


01 HERO | taken by name @ walls
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum blandit ipsum maximus vestibulum tempus. Integer facilisis lectus elit, rhoncus sollicitudin ante sollicitudin vel.

02 YOU & I | open
Quisque suscipit augue nec mi cursus condimentum. Suspendisse tempor urna vitae dui fringilla egestas. Fusce egestas, lectus in hendrerit pharetra, nulla sem volutpat enim, vitae vulputate augue ante vel eros. Maecenas ut nisl augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus quis convallis nunc. Curabitur euismod finibus ipsum, rhoncus placerat elit auctor non. Aenean ullamcorper elit id sollicitudin dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum blandit ipsum maximus vestibulum tempus. Integer facilisis lectus elit, rhoncus sollicitudin ante sollicitudin vel. Quisque suscipit augue nec mi cursus condimentum. Suspendisse tempor urna vitae dui fringilla egestas.

03 6AM | open
Fusce egestas, lectus in hendrerit pharetra, nulla sem volutpat enim, vitae vulputate augue ante vel eros. Maecenas ut nisl augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus quis convallis nunc. Curabitur euismod finibus ipsum, rhoncus placerat elit auctor non. Aenean ullamcorper elit id sollicitudin dictum.


Hello there! If you gotten to this part you must of read my borning profile right? I'm not sure if its good but I truly tried my best with it. If you have questions about Heeyeon or about the rp than just make sure to come to

I'm GMT -5:00 and I'm usually busy sometimes during the day so i'll be on and off in the mornings doing replies and if its a para then i'll reply later on after school in the afternoon. I love plots so if you wanna plot or start a random starter with me without asking or something just go on right ahead I don't mind!

.. I'm not sure what else to say but I'm really thankful that you read at least this much already. Your a true trooper in my book. Anyways- I'll see you around my lovelies. Little stalkers!