If you ask anyone around you about who the cellist who sits in the first chair of the top orchestra at her college, a common reply would usually be "Oh, Naeun? That goody-two-shoes?" or "Naeun, yeah, the pretty one that helped me ace my exam." It's true; Son Naeun is your average good girl - she has excellent morals, straight-A's in all of her advanced classes, pure beliefs, and simple yet modest fashion sense. She doesn't drink or smoke, has always turned down frat parties for orchestra rehearsals, and she still thinks that 'goddamn' is a bad word. To her peers, she's one of the prettiest buzzkills you'll ever meet. But to people who know her very, very well - especially those she's slept with - she has an alter ego. This Naeun is a dominant kitten who loves to try new things, daring, bold, unexpected, and affectionate. But, until then, she's just the girl who everyone hates to love.
son naeun
cello instructor