Personal Message

by Years & Years
And I was a king under your control
I prefer 3rd over 1st because we can be more descriptive that way. Doesn't mean, however, that my answers will be pages long. Sometimes they'll be short, other times they'll be long enough. I love plotting, so just ask if you don't have any. Pls rp with me ;u; I'm nice I promise. And I will never ever leave your character hanging!

Rp tracker

Kwon Yuri- Yuri's apartment

Yu Baron- wall

Lee Geum Hee- wall

Jung Yunho- plotting..

Mitch Kim- plotting...

Luhan- wall

Ahn Heeyeon- studio hall


constellation of tears
lee yejin
i wish i'd been a teen idle
Back in America, ever since she was  child, Yejin was always expected to act a little older than her age. Instead of playing with dolls, she was taken to fancy business dinners and modeling academies she didn't want to take part of. And instead of experimenting with things such as make up or boys in her teenage years, she was forced to take small jobs after school to "gain experience." To top it all off, she didn't even go to school. She was homeschooled so she was never good around other people.
When she was finally old enough to control her own life, she decided to head towards different directions. She decided to go to South Korea, where her parents were originally from. She dropped out of college and bought a small apartment with the money she had saved up. Outraged, her parents decided not to spend another cent in her. But she didn't care.
They haven't talked to her since.
Dancing was always something Yejin was good at, so she became a dance teacher in the evenings. When she noiced that this wouldn't pay her bills, she became a jewelry shop clergy by day.
Yejin is a very shy yet sweet girl. She's always offering help to others and could be considered a "door mat" by her coworkers since she's usually the one doing most of the work for them. While dancing, however, she becomes a whole different person full of passion and life. She's the academy's best teacher and has a class of 35 students. 
Though making friends was all she ever wanted, she just doesn't seem to have the time to find any. Her social skills aren't exactly great. She suffers from social anxiety) By the time she arrives home all she really wants to do is rest and relax. Honestly, nowadays her life is all about getting food in her plate.
You punched me in the face while gesticulating wildly to a friend // Available (F/M  | 0/1):
Pretty self explanatory.One of the "Less meet pretty and more meet ugly"
prompts on tumblr.
I work at a department store and if you take out and unfold a shirt and then leave it one more time I'm going to stuff it down your throat// Available (F/M | 0/1):
Once again pretty self explanatory. One of the "Less meet pretty and more meet ugly" prompts on tumblr.
The Student // Available (F/M | 0/1):
One of Yejin's students from her dance class. They are always trying to stay late with her, making her teach them the new steps because they cna't seem to get it right. Yejin simply can't say no and is usually forced to stay. However, she won't admit that she loves their company.
Native Languages  // with Yu Barom (F/M | 0/1):
Both coming from english speaking countries, they find comfort and bond from it.
That Was Ugly // Availability (F/M | 0/1):
Yejin finally tries to go to a club! However.. things don't turn out as nicely. There's a fist fight in the bar she went to so she decides to quickly go home before things
get ugly. When she hauls a cab, however, one of the people who were in the
fight come stumbling out, asking for a ride home. Yejin has no other choice
but to accept but what happens when the person gets completely knocked out
before he can tell her the street?
TAKEN BY no one *muffled sobbing in the background*
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