Personal Message

OOC Corner

  1. I do both first and third POV, but I prefer third. Just tell me if you want to do first detailed or first at the start.
  2. I do all kinds of genres, don't be afraid to hit me up with a plot you've been craving to do, I'd be more than happy to do it with you. (if I like it /coughs/)
  3. Please don't tell me that you want to plot with me if you're just gonna be like "I don't know I prefer anything" or "It's fine, I don't mind anything" I like it better if you can be a bit more exact or else if you can't do that, let's just wing it.
  4. If you're winging it, please go straight ahead and put up a starter. I love it whenever people do that. (lazy here tbh)
  5. I guess that's it. Hopefully you'll be able to survive hanging out with goofball Yeol.
  6. Enjoy this kawaii thing at the bottom unu.


Park Chanyeol
Park Chanyeol. In a few words, people could describe him as an egoistic, aggravating, and a superficial bastard who needs to rub his face in a bowl of urine to come back to his senses. Of course, Chanyeol's behavious is quite understandable, at least to himself. People in general bothered him, their judging eyes and their standoffish attitudes.
Not that he didn't have one, but then he thought that it's absolutely outrageous to see the whole mass population have the same attitude. So he acts like a jerk to every stranger he sees. Unless you are his crush that is. In that case, he'll act even more like a jerk.
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