Personal Message

my timezone is pst, but i'm normally on 24/7 so i don't think we'll have much of a timezone problem. unless you're on at ungodly hours my time, then we might have to work around it.

i do both detailed 1st and 3rd, but i've always leaned more towards 3rd than anything else. but if we're going to do detailed 1st, then please actually try and make it detailed like it's called. if you give me regular 1st pov i most likely will not respond.

i never, ever, wing it. always have a plot ready if you're going to ask to rp with me, and if not, then we can come up with one together. i won't make any exceptions to wing stuff. i'm pretty comfortable with just about any genre so it shouldn't be that hard to come up with one.

please try not to use random korean words when rping with me. it's actually kind of annoying, especially if you're not korean and just doing it because you feel like it. it's not part of your culture so there's no need.

refrain from constantly poking me. either i got busy or i'm thinking of a reply for you, i most likely did not forget you, so just be patient, especially if you see i haven't replied to anybody else yet at that given time.. if it's been a week or so and you've been pushed down my wall, i may have forgotten, so you can poke me then. i might've also just gotten lazy, which isn't a very good excuse but i'll get to replies eventually either way. if i feel like your poking has gotten too repetitive, though, i'm just going to stop replying.

sometimes i do selective replies because there's somebody else with a more interesting plot or something along those lines. i didn't forget you. if you want to catch my eye then actually attempt to help come up with an interesting plot. if it's something super basic you'll probably be one of those people i'll just stop responding to.

if we're roleplaying in rooms, be up for waiting for replies a while longer. i tend to forget if i'm rping in rooms. here is where i give you permisson to poke me a lot, but still try and do it wisely to where it won't get on my nerves.

one last thing, there are times when i'm too lazy or just simply forget to re-read my replies, so i apologize for any future mistakes and typos i may make. other than that, try not to get on my bad side and we'll be fine.

now, ladies and gentleman
let's get on with the show

name: Ahn Hyejin
age: twenty
occupation: collage student (marine biology major)
r+s: single/biual

Hyejin had originally been sent to LBH during high school, as she had been a troublemaker and had a hard time paying attention, so her parents thought sending her to a boarding school would help. After graduating, she decided to stay to attend collage. finding that boarding school did help her a little bit, though she still gets into trouble from time to time.

Hyejin's personally in one word is bold. She's not afraid to say what she thinks, even if it hurts someones feelings. She lives in the moment and often does things without thinking, which leads her to trouble most of the time, but she doesn't really mind. The thrill and adventure of doing things is what catches her attention most, no matter how dangerous it could be.

She gets distracted easy, but she has a good memory, so it makes up for all the times she skips studying. Despite the fact that Hyejin could potentially get you into trouble, she makes a good friend. just don't mention any names around her, she won't hesitate to go kick their if they hurt somebody close to her.

plot one
Consectetur urna in, eleifend lorem. Aliquam magna neque, sodales ut elit a, accumsan mattis magna. Ut enim ligula, lacinia eu vulputate eu, convalli

plot two
Consectetur urna in, eleifend lorem. Aliquam magna neque, sodales ut elit a, accumsan mattis magna. Ut enim ligula, lacinia eu vulputate eu, convalli

plot three
Consectetur urna in, eleifend lorem. Aliquam magna neque, sodales ut elit a, accumsan mattis magna. Ut enim ligula, lacinia eu vulputate eu, convalli

plot four
Consectetur urna in, eleifend lorem. Aliquam magna neque, sodales ut elit a, accumsan mattis magna. Ut enim ligula, lacinia eu vulputate eu, convalli

plot five
Consectetur urna in, eleifend lorem. Aliquam magna neque, sodales ut elit a, accumsan mattis magna. Ut enim ligula, lacinia eu vulputate eu, convalli