Personal Message

L E E  T A E M I N

Money forced him to get into the business- and once in, it's hard to get out. Especially for
someone like Taemin, adored for just his looks. He'd fought, in the beginning. But after the
first few weeks he learned to accomodate to the master's wishes; learned to give away his
body, learned to accept even though he was still disgusted. Learned to act. Because the more
a master appreciated you, the bigger the chance they'd be nice for as long as it lasted.

The real Lee Taemin is fierce, stubborn and proud, but also playful and a bit childish. He hates
to loose, is a tease and does whatever he needs to to get what he wants. But in order to get
what he wants, he learned to act. Act cute, act as if he wanted this, act as if this was pleasurable.
He learned to read people. In order to act like the other wanted him to, he needed to effortless read
exactly /what/ the otherwanted. And so he lived.

But the first month had left scars. He doesn't trust anyone, rather playing around a bit than
actually getting emotionally attached. It was one of his first lessons, really: "No one can be
trusted." Because the masters that seemed nice in the beginning, were way worse in the end.
So, he learned to play along. But one thing he still can't handle well. The complete loss of control
and the impossibility that he could, in theory, fight back, scares him to death.

But who knows- Maybe one day, he can find someone to confide in once again.





  - 1st + 3rd POV, mirror

  - GMT + 1

  - Poke if it takes longer than 3 days

  - I ask, I start; you ask, you start

  - Up for a lot, considering

  - Don't be afraid to send a message! <3