
​Kang Sura was born into a rich and powerful family, but once they realized that their daughter had something that the doctors couldn't cure or control they abandoned her. Sura is a selective mute. This is due to her anxiety, and she only speaks to people she absolutely trusts. Even then she hardly speaks. At first she was apart of the nomads, sticking to them and hoping that they would protect her. And she was protected for sixteen years. But then one day she had ventured a bit too far and saw something she had never seen before. She watched the Desert Tribe celebrate all night until she was dragged away. After that she was fascinated with that clan and how they could live so freely and kindly with one another. 

She abandoned the nomads during the same year, and went to the Desert clan. Once she was accepted she also abandoned her position as a theif, instead becoming a healer. It shocked her how good she was at mending people. She's talked in the last two years (she is now eighteen) more than she has her whole life, feeling carefree. She wears her gold string proudly, and is nervous for the day she shall no longer wear it.

Sura has a kind of childlike curiosity inside her and appreciates everything the world around her has to offer. She loves the rain most of all, since she hardly sees it from being in the Desert for so long. But the stars and Sun are close seconds. Don't be surprised if you see her resting on a dune in the middle of the night, watching the stars. She's extremely kind and caring, always there to offer a shoulder to cry on. Despite her kind nature she's also scared of many things, her old clan being one of them. She's always afraid that one day they'll come for her, and punish her for leaving them. Sura is also known to be very beautiful, so be careful if you fall for her. She won't know how to say no, but she will follow her own heart wherever it leads her so hopefully yours won't get broken on the way.