Personal Message
dp history:

"hello kim jaekyung ,the charismatic leader of rainbow.there is nothing much i want to say here but just want to let you what kind of stuffs that turn me off while talking to you.first,one liner.the next one,giggling stuffs and the last one, rude person. im friendly so dont be surprise if i reply to you with long replies.dont be afraid to try talking to me because i dont bite people randomly."-jaekyung kim. kim jaekyung is the first daughter in her family and has a younger brother,n.flying's jaehyun.however,their personality are contrast to each other.jaekyung is the type of person who would act differently around each people she talk to especially girls.she would be her real self when she is with guys.jaekyung tends to feel lonely easily and needs somebody to lean on.she might look tough outside but she was really fragile inwardly and over-sensitive although she try to hide them everytime they happened by being over-confident about herself. "they jealous of me because i am pretty"-this is what she would say when she saw negative comments about herself.(this secret spilled by jaehyun.
just a girl who trying to act like her age. 
layout made by @ vinegar
〈 bunches of macarons

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