




hirai momo



single & not looking



hold me



BACKGROUND:  Momo has never gotten along with her family. Her parents always wanted her to expand her options,but she always stuck to dancing. After endless nights of arguing about her future and telling her dancing is not a real job,they decided to ignore her. Her parents had a child months later after Momo's decision.But it wasn't a child made out of love,her little sister was made to replace her. The fact saddened the girl and made her extremely depressed during her sophmore year,making her develop slight schizotypal. Her parents didn't care anymore about their first born,and acted like their youngest child was a golden trophy. Sooner or later Momo knew they would disown her,so she moved out to a small apartment close to the dance studio she attended and got a job there as a dance teacher.

PERSONALITY:  For a person with Schizotypal,Momo actually has quite a few friends outside the studio.  Momo is known for being a complete tomboy. She likes skate boarding,playing the latest games with her guy friends,and she doesn't mind boxing with the toughest guy at the studio.  The girl is always energetic but knows when to calm down.  



01 plot name| open

02 plot name  | open

03 plot name | open



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Curabitur euismod finibus ipsum, rhoncus placerat elit auctor non. Aenean ullamcorper elit id sollicitudin dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum blandit ipsum maximus vestibulum tempus. Integer facilisis lectus elit, rhoncus sollicitudin ante sollicitudin vel. Quisque suscipit augue nec mi cursus condimentum. Suspendisse tempor urna vitae dui fringilla egestas. Fusce egestas, lectus in hendrerit pharetra, nulla sem volutpat enim, vitae vulputate augue ante vel eros. Maecenas ut nisl augue.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus quis convallis nunc. Curabitur euismod finibus ipsum, rhoncus placerat elit auctor non. Aenean ullamcorper elit id sollicitudin dictum.