Personal Message


❝ b a c k s t o r y ❞

Taylor was considered a curse from the day she was born. At some point, as an infant child, she got her head stuck inside her mother's pelvis and could not be pushed out for the life of her. The birthing turned into a highly dangerous medical operation, the doctors having to perform a C-section. They saved the young Taylor and removed her from her mother's pelvis just in time. Her mother had only lived long enough to hold the infant in her arms and give the girl a name. After six minutes had passed, she died from the harsh operation. Taylor's father blamed her for the occurrence, and raised her with much resent. Throughout her childhood, she was beat and emotionally abused by her father. Many a night he would arrive home drunk and disgruntled, leaving poor Taylor to keep the house in order and take care of herself. She was always obedient though, and did extremely well in school. So much that she had even skipped one grade.

On her 16th birthday, Taylor had gone out with a few friends to a frat house party. She and her mates drank far too much, and somewhere between all the havoc, drugs were slipped into her drink. Taylor grew drowsy and was then rendered unconscious. When she awoke, there was a frat boy sweating bullets above her. He had his way with her, then left the girl as if nothing ever happened. None of her friends seemed to have a clue what happened, and neither did any of them look worried about her when she returned downstairs to the party. So she left all on her lonesome, wandering the streets at night, and she was never seen again them or her father.

Taylor was found that next morning asleep in a dirty alleyway by one of the soldiers. The man was kind and took her into his home. His wife and their young children treated her with the utmost respect and eventually adopted her. She was back at school in no time, and had entered university at the age of 18. She graduated a few years later and became a medical nurse. She now works in a hospital and tends to wounded soldiers everyday, but as she has overheard them speaking, she has grown to dislike communism. Her first experience Outside was when she met a rebel friend who snuck her to the Outside. When she saw how happy everyone was, she wanted to be like them, and it was then that she was officially involved with the Anonymous.
                  ❝ miscellaneous information ❞
nickname: tay
occupation: medical nurse
likes: junk food, rock music, playing the guitar, concerts, meeting new people,
big cities, lingerie, dark clothing, helping people
dislikes: oranges, insects, dogs that slobber, communism, her father, 
dubstep music by itself (she likes it when it is mixed with other musical genres),
small towns
allergies: shellfish, bees, pecans
disorders: bulimia
scars: one long line running across her back, a scar across her mid-thigh
from getting stitches
moral allignment: true neutral
place of birth: new york city, manhattan
birthdate: july 26th, 1961
❝ my one and only, my darling moon ❞
I am currently a single woman.
❝ my lovely patients ❞
Any friends I have will be put here.

by NS Yoon G
Live for today, and we'll dream tomorrow.
Taylor is a strong and independent person who prefers to think that she needs no one but herself. She is a woman of confidence and highly intelligent, with a slew of stubborness about her. She isn't fully a sickler though, with her good sense of humor and rather laid back personality. Taylor is a friendly and usually quite bubbly nurse. She wants nothing more but to help those in need. Taylor is a mother-like figure to those whom she loves and holds dear.