Personal Message


March 9 | Biual | Single


OoC Corner

1. I am an admin on this rp, so feel
free to message me with any of your concerns.

2. I'll role-play basically anything anyone
wants to do.

3. I sometimes take a long time to reply.
will get back to you, if I don't,
don't be afraid to nag the out of me until
I do.

4. I love feel free to talk to me.



About this character...


Yoongi is basically a quiet person. He may not say much, but
he is really sincer when he does speak. He always gives his
honest opinion about anything. He's the type of person that
you can just KNOW if he likes you or if he hates you.



Yoongi went to school and majored in business. During
the time of him going to University, he became friends
with Lee Jieun. After graduating from University, all of
their other friends went off and got married, and they were
still single. That's why they started this dating service. To
help people like them (and themselves) find that perfect someone.




Stuck? Choose your plot...

1. Ex. Boyfriend (0/1) - Min Yoongi's ex-boyfriend.
A person that Yoongi once fell hard for, but ended up
breaking his heart because he cheeted on Yoongi.


2. Insert plot idea insert plot idea insert plot idea
Insert plot idea insert plot idea insert plot idea
Insert plot idea insert plot idea insert plot idea

3. Insert plot idea instert plot idea insert plot idea
Insert plot idea instert plot idea insert plot idea
Insert plot idea instert plot idea insert plot idea