Personal Message


hey, lovely.
  hey, lovely.




admin soojung just dropping by to poop on your wall

because i don't think i'll ever get to posting on everyone's

walls. cries. but yes, welcome to the neighbourhood and

if you ever need anything, feel free to approach the other

four admins for help bc they probably know more than i do

coughs i mean what. have a great time here! and if you don't

appreciate my face being on your wall- though i wouldn't

understand why like who wouldn't want me on their wall lmao-

 feel free to delete this message aha. bye. sorry if this scarred

your eyes- i really at coding. this isn't even coding. wtf. 

from soojung. xoxo.
                        ( don't cringe too hard at me pls. i tried ok. )




prepare because i'm coming for you


hyosung     october 13 '91     161cm     47kg     single

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium erat dolor, id faucibus augue accumsan quis. Nulla efficitur mauris ante, at rutrum nibh pharetra a.

Pellentesque vitae urna vitae nisl interdum interdum non non mauris. Phasellus finibus sed velit sed vulputate. Ut ornare ligula diam, congue vestibulum est rutrum sit amet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc laoreet velit et eros eleifend porta. Vestibulum sit amet nisl nec ligula pharetra placerat in rutrum leo. Fusce volutpat interdum risus, ac lobortis velit rutrum eget. Maecenas at elit commodo odio ullamcorper tempor nec eget sapien. Etiam pretium erat dolor, id faucibus augue accumsan quis. Nulla efficitur mauris ante, at rutrum nibh pharetra a.





main dancer

