
NAME: singingcats 
POV/LENGTH: Exclusively 3rd pov; multi-para-novella; mostly mirror. Length flexible.

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+Hi! I'm a bit scatterbrained, so sometimes 'online' does not mean online. It's probably just me falling asleep without logging out again.

+My speed of replies vary; sometimes I can reply immediately, sometimes I take a really long time to do so. It may either be the time difference, or things that happen to me irl.

+Fair warning: sometimes I reply really late, so if you don't want to go through that, then that's absolutely fine. I wouldn't want to spoil the rp for both of us. ;v;

+If I'm taking too long to reply (within reasonable time, ofc), don't hesitate to poke me! I tend to be forgetful as well otl.

+Other than that, feel free to hmu! I'm always open to rp and plots or just general fooling around. c:



Before everything, one year ago, everything was fine. His brother was still alive, his parents were still tolerable because his brother was alive, and Byun Baekhyun was the happiest he could ever be because his brother was alive.

But then his brother wasn't alive anymore.

That's where everything went to , basically. With their favorite son six feet under the ground, everything falls onto Baekhyun. They were poor, yes, and education had been everything his parents pushed them to succeed in, because that had been the only way they would survive, but after the revolution? Things went to real fast. All because they were saved by Big Brother, according to his father.

With his father an avid supporter of Big Brother, and his mother an avid supporter of his father, Baekhyun didn't really have a choice, now did he? And so Byun Baekhyun, with the foolish love he holds for all that is left of his family, joins as a soldier and bites his tongue.

Family comes first.

Everything else is merely collateral.


Byun Baekhyun is happy.

Byun Baekhyun is loud, expressive, exuberant bordering on irritating. He wears playful little tilts to the edge of his lips, words filled with half-truth and half-lies just to throw people off, words filled with rhymes and riddles and general bull. He is crass, sometimes even rude, and loves his brother.

Byun Baekhyun is all sharp edges and nasty grins, hidden insecurities buried underneath layer upon layer of snark and wordplay and loud, mocking laughs. He is unorthodox, reckless, and young. He sings, writes--he is vibrance.

Byun Baekhyun is human.

Byun Baekhyun is dead.

But the soldier is alive.

The soldier is practical, still very much cynical, and has opinions. Both pro and against the government. The soldier knows how to tuck his thoughts safely to the back of his head, knows not to say anything that would jeopardize his family, speaks instead in vague words and sly remarks. He knows to do his job, to excel at it, knows to ignore the Byun Baekhyun in his head that gets fainter and fainter by the day.

The soldier is needed, and Byun Baekhyun is not.


Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 
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Credits for layout ;  Credits for pictures to their owners