Personal Message

Wu YiFan (Kris)


Unsure of his uality - basically if you're pushy enough he'll try anything once, but as of right now he's a .

Section II


He's relatively new to the country, his Korean isn't that great and he'll get confused occasionally. He's a sweet kid but all the moves have gotten him to a point where he's sick of being picked on as the new kid and he'll fight back. He drinks a LOT and smokes to cope with the moves and the bullying he's experienced his whole life, and his parents aren't all that interested in anything but getting him to leave them alone, so they'll buy him whatever he asks for in exchange for him not bothering them for a few days. Despite all of that he actually cares about his grades and maintains a 4.0 average, hoping that either college will be better or his bad habits will kill him before it matters.