

An independent self-composing singer that goes by the name of "Woozi". He never sings in public though, merely singing his songs and some covers with his face unshown on Youtube and Soundcloud — account name; woozilee. he likes it that way, because he wants people to decide wether they hate him or love him from his music and not from his appearence. He also works at a cafe as the cashier as a part timer.

Hard-working at whatever that relates with his love or passion - music, to be precise. Lazy at anything besides that though. Has the tendecy to change moods too quickly and often says things that are the opposite what he feels. despite his body, jihoon is actually well-build and strong underneath those big and baggy sweaters - he just seemed to be weak. 

# 1 / NO. 1 Fan (Neutral) / AVAILABle / you're a huge fan of 'woozi' and you're familiar with jihoon's voice, but doesn't recognize him until later. 

# 2 / favorite customer (neutral) / AVAILABle / there's this person from the cafe that comes every sunday that caught jihoon's attention

# 3 / that little one (hybrids only) / AVAILABLe / you're that little one who keeps on scratching jihoon's front door - even after he gave you food, etc.

# 4 / unexpected meeting (neutral) / AVAILABle / Jihoon walked into the public bathroom at a mcdonalds and you’re dangling halfway out of an air vent and 'do I even want to know what you were doing'

# 5 / irritating (neutral) / AVAILABle / "You are very tall and I am very short so you run into me all the time and honestly this is getting ridiculous"


1 i prefer plot tbh but plot or wing, i'm fine either way 2. i'm not that expert on para/novella and 1st detailed so i usually rp in 3rd pov 3. if i don't reply for more than 2 days, it's either i'm reaaaally busy or idk what to reply to you anymore 4. if two days passed without my reply, please remind me on my wall... or something 5. slow replies, but i'll try to be quick as possible lol 6. don't just be friendly with my muse - go on ahead be friends with me in ooc too! 
You are amazing
shannon loves you <3
Please stay awesome