Personal Message

Jongin served his military time right out of high school, wanting to get it over and done with so he coud have fun with the rest of his life. He's 24, a dance teacher, and generally pretty happy with his life. He owns a chain of dance studios, and he only really teaches dance because he likes to. He's known he wants to be a father since he was very young - the idea of a houseful of teens or kids calling him "appa" genuinely brings a smile to his face, but he doesn't want  to rush anything, and he doesn't want to be with someone just because they can provide him with children. Jongin is panual - he doesn't really care what's in your pants, as long as you can capture his interest, he's down. He acts like a kid a lot of the time, but when it's time to be serious you wouldn't even recognize him. He goes from a fluffy toddler to a y CEO in a matter of seconds, and he gets what he wants.