Personal Message

---ugh such ugly layout, such bad description---

Pov: 3rd
Orientation: Bi, but pretty much gay
age: 21
Pet = house cat

Wonho is an idiot. He enjoys being one too. The man is sort of strange yet he finds himself to be extremely average, especially at this place. He's a house cat hybrid, so there's not too much special about him in comparison to the foxes, parrots, and whatever else could possibly be hiding around here. For the most part, you'll find him lazing about in his bed or outside exercising. He's got a lot of energy to spend and his body shows for it. Just look at them legs-- With a blonde orange tail and ears, you'll notice he doesn't enjoy getting them tugged on, which most people do. Some gentle pats would be nice. There's a huge amount of direct confidence in him, so don't tug, or you're getting the claws after one warning.
