
Hello, I am

son Naeun


her name had always been son naeun since birth, thought of and given by her father when he first found out the news of his soon-to-be first born's arrival. she was well groomed and doted by her family. born as the eldest of two, she had been given the expectation to be the role model to her younger sister. never breaking the rules and famous for being the filial daughter, she'd love it if someone would dare take her out and have some real fun for a change. all her life, she had felt like she was living in the confinement of being the goody two shoes. but all she wanted was to experience life.


at the end of the day, she would still be grateful to be born with a fulfilling life, to have food on her plate and a roof above her head. never once blaming life for what she had. A smile upon her lips and a trail of laughter, that's the kind of girl you'd be expecting from her. an optimistic carefree girl behind the image she had built all her life.

Scroll Down for Music.

♬ Listen to: love mash - mc mong (feat chancellor)

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