Personal Message
"geek is the new y"
to be added.

hello everyone and welcome to my memo spot! ^^


PS: let's sign a petition for Yeol to grow his hair long again 0w0 *le heart goes dugeungeun*

background story
YEOL IS WHAT ANYONE WOULD CLASSIFY AS your typical "egghead" nerd.

with an immense knowledge in computer engineering and programming, he was once on board nasa as the youngest member to take lead in the computer science department in houston, texas. there was high hopes for his future as many critics praised his hardworking nature and dedication to the works.
however, his once brightly shining future came crumbling down when a world wide system hacking of several government databases traced under his name. he was trialed for the grave breach and with very little evidence to clear his innocence, he was due for twenty years in federal prison.

spending four long years in a cell, the government released him for good behavior and because someone else had supposed "cleared" his name of the crime. he returns home that night to find that everyone he knew - friends and family - has left him behind.
yeol sits coldly in an empty house with the moonlight pouring in, wanting to deny the terrible ends of what has gone wrong with his life when the lights in his house begin to flicker and the power goes out. he's terrified at first as he finds his way to his feet, pressed against the stone wall as a dark shadow whizzes past the hallway and right in front of him.
a cold sweat runs down his spine as he stares the intruder, frightful that his new beginning could already be meeting it's end. the intruder rises a crossbow at him in this short distance, the darkness camouflaging their identity and as yeol prepares the end of his life, he hears the bow string loosen and feels  a strong gust of wind press against him as the Intruder struck the wall just an inch from the side of his face. 
as he loses his breath against the pull, he falls to the floor from losing strength in his legs. the silence holds him and when he calms, he realizes that the intruder had already vanished. he wanted to rush to the phone and alert the police but then something shiny glistens against the moonlight and sparks at his eye.
glaring beautifully at him on the stone wall where he had been standing when the intruder aimed his weapon and shot at him is what's left as proof that yeol hasn't gone crazy. he slowly approaches it, the cold steel stinging the tip of his fingers as he pulls the object off the wall.
he thought his eyes tricked him... but there was no denying that what was staring back at him in the moon light was in fact - a golden arrow.
when the power comes back on a split second later, yeol makes out the carved message written along it's golden shaft -
- "you are invited."
to be added..............
to be added,.........
character plots

to be added