Personal Message

Real Name: Li Lin Liu

Stage Name: Aki

Age: 18

Talents: Dancing Rapping

Faceclaim: Hebe (S.HE)

Talent Twins: CL (rap) Yulhee (dance)

^The Baddest Female^

^Dancing Queen/Uh Ee^


Raised in Beijing and born in Xi'an, Shaanxi, Lin Liu had a very happy childhood. Raised only by her mother and 2 older brothers, she learned to love the simple things in life. She loves to perform on stage and has a habit of hogging the spotlight from others. Along with her friend, Wei Chin, she became a trainee at TH Entertainment and became a part of a five member girl group 2 months later, though she primarily promoted in Japan. Before becoming an idol at TH, Lin Liu had entered many dance and rapping competitions and won more then half of them. She has an Australian Shepherd named Rim and a Black Russian Terrier named Fen.

Unlike her best friend, Anubis, Aki hates to be alone and would rather be in the practice room dancing or singing her heart out. Aki doesn't like it when people act all lovey dovey, especially around her, and isn't one to back down from a fight. She can be very lazy at times and uninterested into many things though she is normally very hyper and is very loud. Aki doesn't like to take things slow and likes to do things on her own most of the time and doesn't like it when people tell her how to do things.

Though she acts tough in front of the camera and around others, she is a natural sweetheart and doesn't normally turn her back on people. She is stubborn, slightly short tempered when things don't go her way and hates to see things go to waste. When she feels comfertable around people and knows that she can trust him or her, Aki acts like a kid and tends to act a bit cute, which she deeply hates about herself.