Personal Message

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Has two older brothers and a father, his mother died due to lung cancer. His family runs a small florist shop, where he was meant to spend the rest of his life, but after a huge success in his school's astronomy competition the only thing Yunhyeong was thinking of was astronomy. Currently finishing his freshman's year on. Planetary Science. If he doesn't have to he won't talk much. Actually, he prefers his astronomy books than most of the human race. It's quiet hard to befriend him, once he opens his mouth to talk with strangers usually fluent sarcasm comes out, what makes him seem arrogant, a little bit pert and the only thing you'd want to do is smack his face. But once you break the ice and get a little closer you'll eventually notice that deep inside he's a caring, truly intelligent and likeable person, even though he won't stop using his skills in getting on your nerves.

thousand lonely dying sunsets

plots are in the description



plot ideas
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woohooo, plots!
Am I the greatest bastard that you know? (1/1)
Yunhyeong is one of the biggest, idiotic s that you know. But somehow this big, idiotic is the person that you fell in love with.

And I will try to fix you (0/1)
It seemed to be a day that had not many differences with the one before and the one after. Following his daily routine, Yunhyeong was coming back home and climbing the stairs with the newest newspaper in his hands when he suddenly spotted you sitting in the staircase, crying.

off in the night, while you live it up, i'm off to sleep (0/1)
Usually its him who never lets you sleep, turning on the volume of his music when the only thing every NORMAL person would do is sleep. But this time is you who'll pay him back.

look at the stars, look how they shine (1/1)
Sitting on the rooftop, sipping on your beer, stargazing and sharing stories of your life. Or, how you two usually call it, private astronomy lessons.




Self reminder and OOC 

too lazy to search for a pretty layout tbh



> Baekhyun, plot ready *fanfares in the background*

> Jiwon, plot ready *fanfares in the background*

> Inguk, xxx

> Yoongi, xxx

> Hanbin, xxx



× Myungsoo, waiting



> GMT+2 also known as CET, but my inner, biological clock is completely screwed up so I'm online almost all the time

> I prefer novella, but I can do semi-para and para too

> 3rd point of view, of course

> I'm pretty unsocial and its a wonder that I'm on a site like this so excuse my awkwardness sometimes. (.__. ) (This emoticon thingy is meant to be awkwardly staring at the floor...)

> Also, I'm usually online on my phone so I'm sorry for any typing mistakes that I make