Personal Message

Name: Park Hyungseok

Age and Class: Junior, 23 y.o

ual Orientation: Bi

Major: General Studies

Animal Counterpart: Hyungseok may look a little cold on the outside, but in reality, he’s actually a little talkative once you get to know him. He’s very soft-spoken and is especially really shy, having the habit of stuttering and finding it hard when approaching and talking to someone first. He spends most of his time eating, cuddling in his blankets when he’s cold, or swimming.

Hyungseok’s animal counterpart is an African Penguin, which are black and white with a small, pink patch of skin above their eyes. One of Hyungseok’s visible traits that he received from his breed are that rather than the pink patches of skin being next his eyes, they’re instead on the helix of his ears, close but a little ways from his eyes; another is that the hair on the top of his head will often change color from black, brown, or white (if he doesn’t dye it.) When it does change color, it usually changes in different patches around his head, never whole. Besides visual traits, he enjoys eating seafood-especially sushi-due to his penguin-love for fish, which also makes him very fond of being near water because of his love to swim.