Personal Message

I'll be cool with you as long as you're cool with me.


GMT -8 or something. I'm on the US west coast, like in the Katy Perry song with the whipped cream/firework ies.
Not on all that often 'cause work and internet, mianhamnidaaaaaaa.


My boys don't like girls. I don't like girl charas. There are a few rare exceptions, but no.
We can be cool OOC/in spam, but IC, Ren will just swish his happy little tail away unless you have purely friendly motives in mind.


Pls don't talk to me if

1) Your chara is one of those SuPer BUBblY types. [*giggles and blushes* Andwae oppaaaaa~ kekekeke!]
I'd probably wind up gouging my own eyes out. Or ignoring your chara. 'Cause I hate that cutesy . Go away.
[That's different if your chara's childlike. Cute and childlike have overlap but they're not the same thing.]

2) You're one of those super dominant types of people. I don't handle authority or abuse thereof well.

3) You're a Gary Stu/Mary Sue. IE, horrible childhood, "super friendly but also shy," "nerdy but really pretty and everyone hates 'em because of that." Super smart and gets the highest marks despite suffering multiple tragedies all at once and is supporting the family by themselves. Parties all the time and never gets caught or suffers any bodily/medical harm from the wildness going on. Has medical impossibilities happening to them. Has so much drama that doesn't even happen in college. Hella rich and smart and confident but still loyal and a badass and a really good person deep down. Pls. Let's get a little more real and escape the world of teenage fanfics.


I likeu the detailed 1st. And plotting. And OOC talking. And a decent grasp of English + word flow/spellling/grammar/etc.

Brain can't work on 3rd para that much, so if you wanna RP 3rd, be prepared for waits and tears.

For the love of all that's holy, please don't give me 1st para. I will legit have a mental breakdown.

Pretty laidback, OOC. I like to think so, anyways. But jump down my throat, and you will be damn sure I'll retaliate later.


Name: Choi Minki (aka Ren)

Age/Class: 19/Sophomore

ual Orientation: Gay as fuuuuuuuuu

Major: Social Work or something

Animal Counterpart: Betta Fish/Siamese Fighting Fish

Personality and Appearance: Ehhhh... nothing much to say. He'll have scale patterns under his skin, like on his thighs and on the insides of his forearms, and sprinkled along his cheekbones. And a little fin running down his back. His hair tends to take on certain tints in the sunlight according to his scale colors at the time. Like most betta fish, Ren has a multitude of colors, and can sometimes change (shift intensity of) colors if he's emotional enough. He has a nice velvety vibrant dark green fading to a dark blue to black, with vibrant streaks of blood orange-red for a little pizzazz. This combination is usually only really seen in his scales, though, and the fin on his back.

And he likes to swim around and around, water is his favorite thing, humidity is his friend, rainstorms are welcomed, heat is meh. He's really little. But really feisty. ^^ Even so, he'll have his good days and bad days. He might be all bubbly one day, but the next, he'll want to be by himself. More or less, he does like being by himself, but he'll take company every once in a while.


People He Likes (or, Little Notes to Friends):

Gongchan: You're really cuddly and stuff, and I like giving you pets and tummy rubs. Also, you can already read my colors, kinda. O_O

Baekhyun: I'm glad you liked the cookies! I'll make more for you. I think ferrets are really cute, and I'm glad I met you.

Sora: ...I don't like girls. I still don't. But you're okay. I like you. You're a nice one, and I'm keeping you. >///<



-strolls in tugging my suitcases behind me-
-peers around at the few people in the room, then checks the bulletin board for roommates-
-scans for a little while before getting bored and turning my attention elsewhere-
-takes the elevator to get to the 2nd floor, and strolls the halls until I find a nice room to suit myself-
Room 211.
-shrugs and hauls my things in, looking around and picking the spot that has a decent amount of sun but not too much, and where I can just people watch from my bed-
-unpacks everything and basically moves myself in before stripping out of everything and pulling on a small set of swim trunks-
-heads to the bathroom, fills up the bathtub, and climbs in for a nap-