
Age: 11


Aki is known for Her hot headed attitude when provoked, she doesn't take insults about her village nor her friends lightly even if she shrugs off insults to her person. She is a headstrong girl who doesn't know when to back down from a challenge but does know if its worth her time. She is a caring spirit who tries to cover her soft heart with a wall of stone as she is afraid of being hurt by others. Aki is protective of her friends and village making her loyal. She tries to think from all points of views.


~ Dangoes

~ Hot caffeinated tea

~ Training with friends

~ playing with the Inuzuka puppies

~ Swords and knives


~ Rainy days

~ Starry night


~ Lies and betrayal

~ Insults about her friends and Village

~ Cats

~ Being cold

~ Loesing

~ Bullies

~ Sakura

~ Duck {Sasuke}


~ Training

~ Playing with puppies

~ Watching the clouds or stargazing

~ Playing with fire and knives


~ Cats…

~ Failing her village and her friends

~ Being alone


~ to become a True hero

Prefered weapon: Pair of Sai


Chakra type: FIRE

Skills: Close range fighting, Taijutsu {Hand to hand}, Kenjutsu (swordplay}, Chakra control

Weaknesses: genjutsu, long range, temper control

Summons: Spiders

Background: Aki always wanted to be seen as a hero among the villagers and now was her chance. She was born into the Kurokumo clan which has a compound not that far from out of the village. The Kurokumo clan is one of those clans who never really sided with anyone and had many different types of ninjas in their compounds, they have compound {small ones} in every elemental nation. Aki wanted to become a hero of Konoha like the 4th hokage so she traveled to Konoha when she was old enough to go to the academy. Aki was always well aware of the gossip around town so she knew that everyone saw poor Naruto as a monster and that Sasuke was too far glorified for no true reason he can claim as his own. Aki made it her mission to befriend Naruto because she understands what it's like to be alone and unwanted. She happens to be his neighbor in the apartments… it was given to her by the hokage so she could eventually support herself as a Ninja.