Personal Message

Full Name: Amber Josephine Liu
Age and Class: 24/Senior
ual Orientation: Straight
Major: Not sure yet, something along the lines of graphic designing
Animal Counterpart: Llama e u e
Personality: Amber is somewhat of a perfectionist. She's someone who is very neat and clean, however she loves being relaxed and enjoys napping and eating. She's very outspoken and she's an open book (both literally and figuratively)
Appearance: Somewhat short but her height is something she doesn't like to be teased about. Amber has her two llama like ears popping out of her head and standing straight and proud. Her eyes are round and her pupils are dark, resembling a llama's. She also has a small fluffy caramel colored tail, however she considers it to be an intimate part she doesn't flaunt very often. Her nails are a bit longer and slightly sharper than a female human's nails.
Password: I'm like you (oh gawd I hope the password is right)