Personal Message

Name: I.M

Age: 20

Job: student, part time singer 

Pass: rocketeer

Timezone: GMT+0

Personality: I.M is naturally cute and doesn't know it and doesn't really liked to be cute, he is kind and easygoing but he can also be honest with you when he needs to be, he isn't easily annoyed or angered so if you get him annoyed your not very lucky, loves to have fun and eat a lot.

Background: born in california I.M knows English but moved back to Korea with his parents when he was 12 years old and loves to sing since he was young, he is a solo singer that preforms in his school, at home or on the street since he likes the attention and just loved to sing and write his own songs when he had time to, he also in his first year of college and somehow managed to balances the two in his life without get tired or overworking.