Personal Message


1. My computer is kind of dead so I kind of work on tablets so you might have to wait a few minutes for a reply.

2. I am a third person rper but as this is a third person rp I shouldn't have to say this but I will anyway :P

3. I really don't have to say is encouraged do I?

4. You know what I don't really have to say much so PLEASE RP WITH ME :P


Name: Cha Hakyeon

Age: 25

Position: Stripper


Cha Hakyeon came from a lower class background, but he wanted to work his way through college so he thought the best way to do it was to become a dancer. He went to university and got a degree in Culinary Arts (the man could bake treats like it was nobody's business), but he worked through school 'dancing' that's what he told his parents, if he told his family that he was a stripper he would have been hated for the rest of his life. He could have done anything with his life after he graduated school, he could have done the desserts for the club, but instead he kept doing this. He liked the rush that came with it, it was almost as though he was addicted to the attention, mostly since he never got any at home. All the attention went to his younger sister, it was why he left home before he graduated high school and lived by himself. He's orderly, he doesn't really like being alone which is why he took on the work in the first place, also because he was just good at it. He's not full of himself by any means, he just thinks he's good at what he does.....even if he does have other qualities.