Personal Message

Sunyoul the omega son to Yibo & Kyungsoo along with Wooshin, JB and Wonwoo. He is more like a small copy of his mother and likes to imitate everything that Kyungsoo does whither the expressions, the movements or the sounds.  Yet, he finds it a bit difficult to express himself when it comes to needing something or feeling something. He doesn't try to be in the front or look for attention, instead he tends to stay in a corner or at the back till someone would notice him. He doesn't mind being left alone and doesn't fuss a lot about anything, but he likes being around others if they play with him. His problem is that he gets attached to people fast which makes it difficult for him to stay away from people he loves, especially his family.



Hello there, come talk to me anytime I will always be here

I'm not an expert to pick a favorite PoV or writing style so we can always go with what you are more comfortable with

College started but I will try to reply as soon as I see your post

It is okay if you poke me when I don't reply after a day (24 hours after your post)

But I don't like poking others because not everyone have the same time I have (I won't poke you)

It is okay if you have coments about my writing because I'm here in the first place to improve my writing style

You can also tell me if my character should react differently when you want something in particular to happen

my character will never fall in love so fast (like after 10 posts for exapmle) I prefer to take longer

I never reply accoring to OOC thoughts I always reply as my character because I live the moment and reply according to the character's personality (this personality develops according to trust level and experience)

the most important thing is no matter what happens I hope you won't leave me or my character because I will be really hurt and broken