Personal Message


since you love my face. dp history

— rocky



 now playing:  
go back- by tbc soundtrack
❝ no matter how difficult and hard something is, I will always be positive and smile like an idiot.
Park minhyuk aka rocky of rookie group astro.
don't what to put here so yeah talk to me and get to know me i'm a pretty nice person.
friends & fams:
The ones who stuck by me through thin and thick, my precious friends ♥
replies & rules:

DETAILED 1ST ON WALL | don't be too boring with your replies | AVAILABILITY EVERYDAY EXCEPT SATURDAY

i prefer to only crack on rooms and rarely on walls - it depends on my mood really.

seungyeon | replied | wall
moonbin | replied | Wall
Irene | replied | Wall


if the online sign is lit up but i'm not replying i'm probably working. also if i miss your reply don't be afraid to poke me in ooc i don't mind. i don't like talking too much in ooc and i don't like emoji's in serious rping. in crack it's perfectly fine though. and i put effort into my replies so i could only ask if you do the same. other than that we should get along great.

The one and only:
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Nullam sed finibus sem. Donec convallis metus ac metus auctor, ac malesuada ante faucibus. Integer pulvinar rhoncus auctor. Pellentesque laoreet lacus a fermentum efficitur. Duis convallis mauris sapien, vitae porttitor nunc facilisis eu. Fusce sagittis varius convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam in ex nec turpis venenatis euismod a nec ex. Aenean id scelerisque orci. Phasellus leo libero, viverra eu ante vitae, scelerisque sollicitudin justo. Sed dignissim justo non arcu vulputate imperdiet. Duis varius fermentum elit, id tincidunt urna molestie semper. Nunc velit ante, tincidunt nec velit ac, tincidunt sodales nibh. Mauris egestas eros leo, non scelerisque tortor viverra quis.