Personal Message

Merry Christmas y!

I hope you're having a tastic holiday and getting laid!
If you're not I'd be happy to stuff your stocking ;3
Have that good old fashioned dirty fun and stay up late

Stay gorgeous, okay?




Merry Christmas lovely!

I hope you get everything you wanted ;D

Have an awesome holiday and stay awesome.

- A certain firecracker


NAME: teratophobia
POV/LENGTH: 3rdPOV that is usually para or semi-para. Novella depending on how much I like the plot. 

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 Hey there! I'm teratophobia but you can just call me Legend. XD Haha. I'm really nice so don't be afraid to talk to me! I roleplay with 3rdPOV a lot, tending to use para & semi-para. Novella is something I might use only if I really enjoy our plot. Other than that, I prefer plotting over winging and hate one-liners. If you ask, you should start. The only case I would start is if the plot calls for my character making the starting action. If you follow all these rules, then I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun RPing!



Taeyong / Room / Replied
Sojin / Room / Replied
Jungkook / Wall / Replied
Jeonghan / Wall / Replied


temporary profile

Kyung is not your average teacher. For one, he doesn't teach an actual class, instead watching over every student put into detention. This means he meets a lot of new people, as well as often seeing some familiar faces. His other unusual characteristics? Well, you just have to find out for yourself.

In his past he was a delinquent, often starting fights and skipping class. Although it seemed like he resorted to violence for fun, Kyung only ever used it because people were so annoying. The delinquent only wanted to be alone, but was constantly challenged by other punks or bothered by some random students. His lifestyle also included a smoking addiction that lasted for 2 years through high school. As a student he could often be found with a cigarette on the roof or climbing the school's trees to be left on his own.

When he finally graduated high school, Kyung decided he wanted to change himself and was able to overcome his addiction while studying many different courses in college. He graduated university with a major in music and a minor in counseling, even though he doesn't teach in either of these subjects. 

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. Aliquam et diam porta, luctus ex sed, blandit turpis. Ut gravida rutrum libero, id rhoncus neque. Phasellus et tortor luctus urna blandit maximus at eu purus. Phasellus sagittis placerat aliquam.

Integer ornare luctus imperdiet. Aenean eget leo vel ligula venenatis facilisis. Morbi tempus maximus lectus, sit amet luctus sem ultrices vel. Aliquam euismod pellentesque blandit. Pellentesque bibendum, ipsum eu posuere lacinia, sem nisi tempus neque, fringilla pretium purus quam ac sem. Nunc efficitur, orci a pellentesque sollicitudin, est dui aliquet elit, at ullamcorper velit ante blandit libero. Nullam molestie eu lectus at porttitor.


Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

Morbi tempor lacus id sem scelerisque accumsan. Fusce tempus pulvinar risus ut efficitur. Nam sed tristique ante. Donec sagittis sem in nisi auctor volutpat. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt rhoncus. 

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