Personal Message

coding later, need to edit, read the ooc section


DISCLAIMER : Dude's creepy, but not so much that you'd want to avoid the out of him at all times. He can be cool and he doesn't typically put his creepiness on display. It's kind of noiceable with how he caarries himself and with the way he talks, but most would only find him to be a little strange. I based him off of two of my uncles and character in a movie (i can't remember the name of it, or much of the movie, i just remember the dude was quiet and he played with knives and always crept up on people).


- date of birth : 24 jan 1994 (age 21)

- occupation : furniture designer / cabinet maker / carpenter

- orientation : aual

- favorites :

+ colors: black, white, and neon colors

+ weather: stormy, cold, calm weather; fond of winter, spring, and autumn

+ music: jazz and classical

+ food: anything with lemons, limes, and oranges; anything with a type of nut

+ animals: pigs/boars, dogs, and birds (specifically the crow)

+ games: blackjack, solitare and spider solitare, checkers, and dominoes

+ books: 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell

- other :

+ piercings: just the earlobes

+ distinguishing physical characteristics: small, oblong burn mark on the side of his left hand; scars on his left shoulder, left wrist, and right ankle

+ dominant personality traits: reserved, but not always quiet; sneaky and sketchy, but he likes to downplay it; violent, but not always aggressive; gives off an eerie vibe, but is always calm and collected; polite, unless provoked

+ clothing style: anything that covers / long coats, jackets, and longsleeve shirts; always wearing pants and closed-toed shoes

+ hobbies: rock collecting, scrapbooking, hiking, reading, model building, sketching, people watching, analysing everything

+ habits: wriggling his fingers, rubbing his lips, smiling for no reason at all, tapping his fingers, twitching when nervous or tense, leaning back in chairs, crossing his legs when sitting, talking to himself (when spacing out), staring at people when they talk/move, analyzing everything

+ secrets: he particiapted in the death of a friend just so he could observe what happened from start to finish, he hides a lot of sharp objects "just in case" something happens, he doesn't like people touching his things without him knowing or without giving them permission

+ fears: being in tight or enclosed spaces, children, bras



out of character :

- i'm on as much as i can be

- very slow at replying sometimes (can take a week or two) and i typically ignore my wall

- detailed script starting no less than 10 to 12 lines; mulitpara typically 4 paragraphs, novella can extend to about 7 paragraphs

- plotting isn't exactly necessary, but no copy and paste

- I (pixels) AM NOT MY CHARACTER, don't confuse us