sean opry;
your typical baker boY
Sean is the first son of a farmer and a knight. His father was the farmer, having gotten married to his mother after accidentally being the one to walk-in on her while she was killing some intruders on a routinely night shift. 2 years into the marriage and Sean was born. And then his sisters came after that: three of them. They were a happy family all together, in spite of his mother's busy hours. However, a few years later his father died after being crushed under one of the plowing machines, leaving Sean alone to fend for himself and the other three girls. Even at the age of 7, the boy had easily become independent and managed to take care of his siblings despite the absence of their mother. He stopped school after graduating middle-school to open the bakery in order to get a flow of cash, and even after the recent death of his mother, he still keeps his store open for all.
In spite of the responsiblity that had fallen on his shoulders at an early age, Sean is one to always keep a smile on his face. He's easy-going, likes to joke around and is always good-natured. You can pretty much call him innocent. Relationships and anything along those lines never really make it up to his thoughts; since he's busy most of the days and rarely takes a break..
— HIS SWEETHEART ;  taken reserved00
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— PLOTS ; urgent coming soon
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NAME : name name
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Taylor Swift
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