Personal Message
shapely buttocks.
I'm a friendly person most of the time, maybe a bit annoying... Alright maybe sometimes. I can be too annoying for my own good. But it's fun bothering people and my victim is usually my younger brother aha. I'm currently obsessed with the beatles so don't judge me on that. fart you if you do.
I join any kind of roleplay except for 3rdpov only because I've to be real honest here, I'm not that good in 3rd and I'm usually on my phone. Yeah, I know that might seems like a stupid reason but what can i do? It's true but I'll usually join non-au since it's more fun that way because you don't have to brainstorm that much but I also like to plot. Angst and drama are my friends in auroleplay.  My characters personality are based on me the real person. I usually made them friendly, a bit ed and that kind of stuffs since I'm not really good at making my charas seems like a heartless or cold person.  A failure at that honestly. If I reply late sometimes and you see me online. It doesn't mean that I hate you, it's just that I'm lazy and is probably lurking around other rps and read all the confession. The amount of dramas that you can found is amusing to me.