" — secrets— // aurp,apps open, hiring admins ♥

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Last post 9 years ago
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Tags   3rdpov   aurp   angst   1stpov   drama  

everyone has a secret.

what’s yours?

in a secret town, people begin to start anew. they come here to seek peace from the rest of the world. whether they’re big secrets, like murder, or small secrets, like love, everyone here has a secret.the variety of people who settle down here are incredible; from celebrities to bums, there is a person of every kind here. just be careful to not run into someone you know.


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kagaki 9 years ago
Are you accepting applications? ^^
zyxzjs 9 years ago
seems interesting enough. i'll have to come back and apply.
if you're still looking for admins, i'm willing to help.
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